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Tips & Trick - English Conversation

English Conversation
Author Ony | Nov. 30, 2023 | Original ref Conversation course 4 meets

A short dialogue

Atoy: Hi man, what's your name?

John: I'm John, How are you and what's your name?

Atoy: I'm fine thanks, I'm Atoy, nice to meet you!

John: Nice to meet you too

Atoy: Where're you from?

John: I'm from Canada, and you? where're you from?

Atoy: I'm from China!

John: Ah, from China, where do you live?

Atoy: I live in Dili, what about you?

John: I live in Dili too. What are you doing in Dili?

Atoy: I work here. How about you

John: I work here too. What's your favorite food?

Atoy:  My favorite food is chicken

John: Ah... I love chicken too, so let's have some dinner tonight!

Conversation about personal information

* Hi, Hello, Good morning

* Non - Hey!

Hey, What's your name?

* I'm Charles and you? Or Charles here and you? or What about you?

* Nice to meet you!

* Nice to meet you too or pleased to meet you or Pleased to meet you too

* Where're you from?

* I'm from... and you?

* Where do you live?

* I live in .. and you?

* Where do you work?

- I work at Catalpa

* Where is Catalpa?

- Catalpa is in Dili

* How long have you been working at catalpa?

- I have been working at catalpa for 5 years or I have been at catalpa for 5 year now

* What's your position?

- I'm a manager

* Thanks for having me

- it's a pleasure.

* It was nice talking to you

- It was nice talking to you too

* See you, bye!

- See you, bye!

Practice - Conversation about personal information

Me: Good morning sir

Manager: Good morning, What's your name?

Me: My name is John, What's your name?

Manager: My name is Lee

Me: Lee, Nice to meet you!

Managar: Nice to meet you too, where are you from?

Me: I'm from India, What about you?

Manager: I'm from Canada, Where do you Live?

Me : I Live in Colmera, and you, Where do you live?

Manager: I Live in Beto. Where did you work?

Me: I worked at ETDA

Manager: Where is ETDA?

Me: ETDA is in Comoro

Manager: How long had you been working at ETDA

Me : I worked there for five years.

Marager: What was your position?

Me: I was as an English Teacher

Manager: Ah ok!

Me: Thanks for having me!

Manager: It's a pleasure, It was a nice talking to you

Me: It was nice talking to you too.

Managar: See you bye!

Me: see you bye!

Conversation about Job

1. Hello/ Hi / Hey / Good morning

2. What's your name?

3. Do you work here? and you? What about you? Do you also work here?

4. What is you position?

5. Do you like it here?

B. How long have you been working here?

7. What Challenges do you face here?

Practice - Dialogue between New and old Staff

New Staff: Hello, I'm Ony, What's your name?

Old Staff: Hello, My name is John

New Staff: Do you work here?

Old Staff: Yes, I work here, what about you?

New Staff: I'm New Staff

Old Staff: Ooh nice, What is your position?

New Staff: I'm Finance manager, do you like it here?

Old Staff: Yes, I love work here

New Staff: How long have you been working here?

Old Staff - I have been working here for five years now.

New Staff: What challenges do you face here?

Old Staff: All good but sometimes we get bad internet connection

Conversation about a Staff advertising his service product at a different office

1. Good morning sir / madam Miss

2. How may I help you?

3. My name is .... and I'm from Catalpa / I'm .... and I'm from Catalpa

4. I would like to inform you about our training for your Staff

Practice - Conversation about a Staff advertising his service product at a different office

Me: Good morning sir

Dir: Good morning, How may help you?

Me: I'm Onorio and I'm from Catalpa

Dir: Oh Mr. Onorio from catalpa, nice to meet you!

Me: Nice to meet you too. I would like to inform you about our training for your Staff.

"...Dir calling Staff..."

Dir: Already called my staff, they will be there in the training.

Me. Thanks so much

Dir: You're welcome!

Me: See you bye!

Dir: See you bye!

Conversation about checking and clarifying


- Excuse me sir / madam

* How may I help you?

- I would like to confirm with you the details of the project.

- I would like you to please repeat...


* Can you repeat this?

* Can you explain this?

* Can you say it again?

* I'm Sorry! come again

* Pardon! come again

* Sorry! Can you speak slowly?

* I'm sorry! I'm lost. Can you explain that again?


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